Formed in 1965 it is a member of the British Orchid Council. Started by 9 orchid enthusiasts, meeting originally in each other’s homes, the intention of the society is to promote the cultivation & preservation of all orchid plants. In 2015, the society turned 50 years old. The society now has over 60 members, membership ranging from experienced growers, with fully equipped greenhouses, to those with just one or two plants on the windowsill.

Society Constitution

See full document Here


  1. The Name of the Society.

The name shall be “The Solihull & District Orchid Society”.


  1. Objects of the Society

These shall be: The furtherance of the knowledge of orchidaceous plants and to encourage the culture thereof by means of meetings, lectures, discussions, nursery visits, exhibitions etc.


  1. Membership.

Shall be open to anyone, subject to the approval of the committee.


  1. Subscriptions.

The annual subscription shall be agreed at the AGM and shall be paid on joining and thereafter annually in January. Membership shall be either a single

member, a double member or Junior member (under 18) or full time student.


  1. Privileges.

Members are entitled to admission to all meetings, to take part in all proceedings, to vote, to attend any visit or excursion that maybe arranged and to enjoy any trading privileges that become available to the Society.


  1. Society Affairs.

The affairs of the Society shall be conducted by a committee consisting of two officers and up to seven other members.


  1. President.

A President shall be elected annually at the AGM.

The President shall be selected on the basis of their long term involvement and support for the Society and for their knowledge and experience in the cultivation, exhibition etc of orchids.

The President would be expected to be able to offer advice and guidance to the committee, as requested/required on any matter relating to the running of the Society.

The President is not a voting member of the committee. However, the President is welcome to attend committee meetings and to actively participate in discussions. Minutes of committee meetings to be copied to the President.


  1. Vice President(s).

All elements relating to President in item 7 apply equally to the role of Vice President.


  1. Officers.

The officers of the Society shall be the Chairman/Secretary and the Treasurer. No person may hold more than one office at a time.

Version 3c 14th August 2019